Total Rooms:
Roomkey: 20240903173407343285000000, Roomtype: Kitchen, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 8.33, Roomlength: 16, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16 X 8.33, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407363770000000, Roomtype: Family Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 18.5, Roomlength: 16.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16.33 X 18.5, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407384120000000, Roomtype: Dining Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 13.42, Roomlength: 15, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 15 X 13.42, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407404746000000, Roomtype: Office, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 8.67, Roomlength: 7.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 7.33 X 8.67, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407425519000000, Roomtype: Other, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 4, Roomlength: 7.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 7.33 X 4, Roomdescription: Pantry, Roomkey: 20240903173407445884000000, Roomtype: Mud Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 8.33, Roomlength: 5.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 5.33 X 8.33, Roomdescription: With Pocket Door To Wic, Roomkey: 20240903173407466506000000, Roomtype: Primary Bedroom, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 15, Roomlength: 16.58, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16.58 X 15, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407487302000000, Roomtype: Primary Bathroom, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 16.5, Roomlength: 11.75, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 11.75 X 16.5, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240903173407505004000000, Roomtype: Other, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 9, Roomlength: 8.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 8.33 X 9, Roomdescription: Pbr Wic-1 (w/ W/D Hookups), Roomkey: 20240903173407522518000000, Roomtype: Other, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 5.67, Roomlength: 5.33, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 5.33 X 5.67, Roomdescription: Pbr Wic-2, Roomkey: 20240903173407543008000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 2, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 12.75, Roomlength: 16.5, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16.5 X 12.75, Roomdesc