Total Rooms:
Roomkey: 20240909125137559505000000, Roomtype: Primary Bedroom, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 19.4, Roomlength: 16.1, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16.1 X 19.4, Roomdescription: Moldings, Trey Ceiling Ceiling Fan, Roomkey: 20240909125137578676000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 2, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 11.9, Roomlength: 12, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 12 X 11.9, Roomdescription: Ceiling Fan, Roomkey: 20240909125137597422000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 3, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 14.7, Roomlength: 12.1, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 12.1 X 14.7, Roomdescription: Ceiling Fan, Roomkey: 20240909125137616111000000, Roomtype: Bedroom 4, Roomlevel: Second, Roomwidth: 12.11, Roomlength: 15.3, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 15.3 X 12.11, Roomdescription: Used As Office, Ceiling Fan, Roomkey: 20240909125137635288000000, Roomtype: Family Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 19.3, Roomlength: 16.4, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 16.4 X 19.3, Roomdescription: Ceiling Fan And Recessed Lights, Roomkey: 20240909125137654496000000, Roomtype: Kitchen, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 13.11, Roomlength: 13.7, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 13.7 X 13.11, Roomdescription: Under Cabinet Lighting, Roomkey: 20240909125137673617000000, Roomtype: Breakfast Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 8.11, Roomlength: 13.7, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 13.7 X 8.11, Roomdescription: Null, Roomkey: 20240909125137693015000000, Roomtype: Dining Room, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 12, Roomlength: 12, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 12 X 12, Roomdescription: Moldings, Trey Ceiling And Wainscoting, Roomkey: 20240909125137712257000000, Roomtype: Laundry, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: 7.1, Roomlength: 5.11, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: 5.11 X 7.1, Roomdescription: Cabinets, Sink And Shelf, Roomkey: 20240909125137731548000000, Roomtype: Entrance Hall, Roomlevel: Main, Roomwidth: Null, Roomlength: Null, Roomfeatures: [], Roomdimensions: Null, Roomdescription: Two Story Entrance, Roomkey: 2024090